SportAnalytik around the world

The mission of SportAnalytik is to increase children’s motivation to take up sport, to discover for themselves the joy of movement. SportAnalytik isn’t just another programme that churns out professional athletes. Our philosophy is about helping children all over the world get the most out of all the wonderful benefits sport has to offer.

Czech Republic
United Kongdom

Tried-and-tested by parents and children alike!




years’ experience


parent satisfaction score


million results entered into our database

Veronika Zemanová

Head of International Relations at the Czech Olympic Committee

“Implementing SportAnalytik’s unique methodology is helping us meet one of our organisation's key goals – to get children more active.”

Chan Suan Liang

SportAnalytik Singapore franchise holder

“The aim of SportAnalytik is to get ALL children to fall in love with sports. We want them to associate being active with being happy, this is what’s really important to us.”

Ondrej Synek

Three-time Olympic rowing medallist

“As a father to small kids, I’m always looking for ways to get them to lead healthier lifestyles. SportAnalytik is a great tool for motivating kids and building their enthusiasm for sport.”

Tomas Peric

Professor at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport, Charles University Prague

“I’ve pursued the area of talent identification in sport for over 25 years and consider SportAnalytik to be a programme of great value to the general public. Its methodology of identifying talent is grounded in scientific principles.”

Jade Elliott

Marketing Manager at Xscape Yorkshire

“It’s been incredible seeing over 2000 kids take part in this, have fun and learn something new about themselves – and their often undiscovered talents.”

Patricia Ackermann

Events Operations Manager at the International Olympic Committee

“SportAnalytik is simply a great and innovative product that we’ll be definitely using well into the future.”

At SportAnalytik, we’re massive sports enthusiasts above all else. We believe sport can be a source of positive emotion in children’s lives, and should therefore be an integral part of their development. However, recent depressing data reveals how children are becoming more obese and doing less and less physical activity. In an effort to reverse this trend, we came up with SportAnalytik. The programme is aimed at motivating children to take up sport and discover the joy of movement. To that end, we believe choosing the right sport is hugely important for each child’s sporting development. But SportAnalytik is less about turning children into professional athletes and more about encouraging children to get active, to embrace the great outdoors and breathe in the fresh air. Above all, we want to give children all over the world the opportunity to fall in love with sport!

Jan Brezina & Martin Jahoda
Founders of SportAnalytik